Where we are

I’d like to know where the Pinoy Erasmus Mundus students and alumni are and I’m sure you do, too. Why do we need to know? Networking, statistics, mobilization, to name a few reasons. You never know who could use some help. Click on the image to see the map in detail.

If your location is not marked yet, add a pin to your location in this format (city, country). Below it, add your name (initials are ok) and your EM course. If your location is already pinned, just add your name below the existing one. Umapper is fairly easy to edit–it only takes a minute. The step-by-step guide and the video below should be helpful.

1. Go to the Pinoy Erasmus Mundus edit map page
2. Use the search bar to locate your city
3. Click on the pink pin icon to put a marker on your city
4. Mouse over the white marker of your city. a set of five icons will appear. click on the Info (speech bubble) icon.
5. Type your name and course into the big field of the new window.
6. Click Submit.
7. Click on the big blue Save button on the sidebar.
8. Check the main map page to make sure you saved properly.

And you’re done!

Happy geotagging!

P.S. If you’re still having trouble, leave your info in a comment below and I will do it for you. No worries. 🙂


8 thoughts on “Where we are

  1. xane

    May i know the main office of EM in the Philippines?
    also, i would like to ask if there is a contact person or someone whom i can talk to about EM in Mindanao, particularly in Cagayan de Oro city?

    • pinoyerasmusmundus

      there is no EM office in the philippines. all correspondence should be directed to the consortium of the program. all information is online.

  2. Chloe

    Hi everyone,

    I have the same concern, as my husband who’s currently studying Physical Therapy is interested to study in Denmark under Erasmus Mundus. What website to check on how to apply?

    Thank you so much.

  3. abby mundas

    I’d like to get the scholarship that you offer pls send me a reply if I can apply. Thank you

  4. shamaicrag

    Hi! I would just like to ask if there’s any way that I could contact pinoy EM scholars maybe through email or even their facebook accounts, etc so I could interview them. I’m conducting a study about Europeaid specifically in Education so It would mean so much if I could reach them. Thank you and I pray to hear from you guys soon.

  5. Robert Soliva Jr.

    Hi Good eve. I just heard about Erasmus Mundus recently and I visited its website, but I am still confused on how to apply for scholarship in their Masters for Tourism Management.

  6. Gen

    Anyone studying STeDE or an alumni? Thanks.

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